We support people in all stages of their experience. This could be immediately after an assault or years and even decades into the healing process. Here what will happen when you contact either the phone hotline or webchat.

  • A friendly, nonjudgmental person who believes you will answer the call. The person will tell you that if you share that you plan to end your life and are unable to engage in safety planning, they may call 911. You always have a choice to share or not to share.
  • The person will ask some questions to identify what will help you in this exact moment.
  • The person will share ideas and options about what to do next, but how to move forward is your choice.

BARCC will not share your information with anyone unless you provide consent. You do not have to share any information you don’t want to. You can call anonymously by choosing option 2 in the main menu or by using our web chat.