We’re Here for You
If you’re having difficulty finding information about the service you need, or if you’re not sure what type of help you need yet, please submit a request online below or call our office during business hours at 617-492-8306. Our service access team will explore your individual needs with you.
If you are interested in time-sensitive medical care and evidence collection options, or if you need immediate assistance, we recommend that you call the hotline 24-7 at 800-841-8371 or chat online 9:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m., instead of completing this form.
Protecting your privacy can feel especially important after a sexual assault. If you are concerned about your privacy rights, your safety, or that somebody else might find out that you are contacting us, please call our hotline at 800-841-8371 or our office during business hours at 617-492-8306, instead of completing this form.
If you have not heard from someone after several days, or if you have problems with this form, please call our office at 617-492-8306 to request services.
Questions marked with a star are required.
Providers: Providers: If you would like to refer a client to our services, please have them call us directly at 617-492-8306.