Supervisory Guides: Creating a Trauma-Informed and Disability Inclusive Workplace
Created by the MASS Collaboration, of which BARCC is a member, these supervisory guides provide information for how agencies, and in particular executive leadership, human resources, and supervisors can create a disability-inclusive and trauma-informed workplace. They are best used along with in-person, interactive training to allow executive leadership, human resources, and supervisors the opportunity to practice skills and discuss challenges and ideas with each other. In addition, information in these guides can be useful for advocates assisting survivors of sexual violence with disabilities with employment issues.
- Part 1: Hiring download PDF | download Word
- Part 2: Onboarding New Staff download PDF | download Word
- Part 3: Supervision download PDF | download Word
- Part 4: Supporting Staff with Boundaries and Safety download PDF | download Word

Vicarious Trauma Toolkit
BARCC was one of the leaders in developing this national resource to address vicarious trauma (the ongoing exposure to trauma that can be a major workplace challenge for workers in victim services and other fields like ours). The Vicarious Trauma Toolkit, federally funded by the Office of Victims of Crime (OVC) and developed at Northeastern University’s Institute on Urban Health Research and Practice, offers an organizational assessment and links to tools that can help once you identify the aspects of the organization that need work. The site focuses on four fields: police, fire, emergency medical services, and victim services.
Webinar: Understanding the Prison Rape Elimination Act in Massachusetts
Join the Department of Public Health and the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center, with support from Jane Doe Inc., for an in-depth overview of the Prison Rape Elimination Act and the role of rape crisis centers in its implementation. You will learn from Dave Rini, manager of BARCC’s work with incarcerated survivors, about the mandates of the law, how it applies to correctional agencies, and ways that rape crisis centers can provide services and support for survivors in prison and jail. For more information and resource links, visit the webinar recording on YouTube.