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Media: The Trigger Warning War at Harvard

In its coverage of research on the use of "trigger warnings," the Harvard Crimson newspaper interviewed a BARCC staffer. 

Excerpt: "Similarly, the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center uses the phrase 'content note' in their writing to precede potentially 'sensitive' material, such as personal accounts of sexual assault, according to Jessica L. Atcheson, BARCC’s marketing and communications manager. The phrase 'trigger warning' is not used. Atcheson says these warnings are meant to help readers, particularly survivors of sexual assault, 'make an informed choice' about whether and when to engage with potentially distressing content. Likewise, some responses to Jones’s tweets have compared trigger warnings to the consent forms that need to be signed by participants before experimentation in the scientific community."

Read the full article, "The Trigger Warning War at Harvard," on the Crimson's website. 

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