Stocks and Securities

Make a Stock Gift to BARCC

Your broker can assist you in making a gift of stock via a direct transfer to BARCC. Giving a gift of publicly traded stock that has increased in value, and that you have owned for more than one year, may provide greater tax benefits than giving cash. Your charitable income tax deduction is equal to the fair market value of the stock, and you avoid paying the capital gains tax on any increase in the current value over the original cost of the stock. You may also save by not incurring brokerage fees because you are transferring ownership rather than selling the stock.

If you would like to help survivors by donating stock, please send to the following:
For benefit of: Boston Area Rape Crisis Center
Fidelity DTC: 0226
Fidelity Account #: X01-348694
One Chase Manhattan Plaza, New York, NY 10005

If your funds are coming from a Fidelity account, you may simply call Fidelity at 800-544-6666 and tell them you want to transfer into the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center account number: X01-348694.

Please inform our Development department of stock transfers so that we may properly acknowledge your gift and forward information regarding your tax deduction. You may contact us directly:

Call our team at 617-649-1265 or e-mail

Your gift will help us continue our life-changing work—including a 24-7 crisis and information hotline, 24-7 support for survivors in the emergency room, individual and group counseling, legal advocacy, assistance finding safe housing and financial assistance, educational training, and so much more.