What Is The Clothesline Project?
The Clothesline Project (CLP) is a movement to make sexual violence more visible. Started in 1990 on Cape Cod, the original focus was to end violence against women by creating a specific medium for survivors of sexual and domestic violence to speak out about their experiences: a decorated t-shirt. Since then, the CLP has expanded across the country with many communities creating their own version of the project.
The Boston Area Rape Crisis Center’s CLP includes almost 200 shirts and has been displayed hundreds of times. BARCC’s Clothesline Project includes shirts made by male survivors, significant others and designs in a variety of languages. The purpose of the project is to do the following:
- Bear witness to survivors
- Aid in the healing process for survivors and significant others and provide a safe place for them to express themselves
- Educate and raise society’s awareness of the magnitude of sexual violence
- Call for social change and provide a forum for discussing ways to facilitate this transformation
Request the BARCC CLP
The Boston Area Rape Crisis Center has a collection of shirts for use in the Boston area. This moving tribute, which features T-shirts created by hundreds of survivors and their friends and families, can be displayed at your school, your agency, at Safety Awareness Days and health fairs, or in your community. We recommend exhibiting the Clothesline Project in conjunction with one of BARCC’s workshops. E-mail us at engagements@barcc.org to request the CLP for your community.
FAQs about BARCC’s CLP
Start your own CLP
You can start a Clothesline Project for your school, community, or activist group. If you are planning on staging a kickoff event for your project, BARCC can provide community awareness speakers to talk about sexual violence and lead a variety of prevention workshops. Request a speaker or workshop.