Without BARCC, I would still feel alone and isolated. Through BARCC, I learned that I am not alone and never will be again.
Services at the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC) are available to people who have experienced sexual violence, as well as to their loved ones, no matter their age, gender, or sexuality. One in four girls and one in six boys will be sexually abused before they turn 18 years old, but for many, it takes years, or even decades, to begin to feel ready to talk about the violence that they endured as a child. We work with survivors regardless of when the violence occurred, and our goal is to empower survivors to heal. No matter how long ago the incident occurred, BARCC is here to help you.
BARCC Services
All of BARCC’s services are free and confidential.
- HotlineOur hotline counselors provide emotional support, referrals to services, and explanations of our services. You can reach our hotline by phone 24-7 at 800-841-8371 or by web chat 9:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m.
- Medical advocacyOur highly trained and supervised volunteer and staff advocates meet survivors—as well as their friends, families, loved ones, and any professionals who accompany them—at area hospitals 24-7 (emergency rooms and intensive care units). The advocate’s purpose is to provide comfort to the survivor by sharing knowledge, offering empowering support, helping survivors talk with medical staff, and ensuring the survivor has next steps and referrals.
- Legal advocacyOur legal team helps survivors understand their legal rights and options in the aftermath of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and other forms of sexual violence. We assist survivors as they navigate the civil and criminal justice systems, including campus processes.
- Counseling and support groupsWe provide short-term individual, couples, family, and group counseling with licensed clinicians and trained counselors for survivors of sexual violence and their families and friends. We have groups that specifically cater to men.
- Case managementWe work directly with survivors and significant others to assist with their immediate and long-term health, housing, financial, and safety needs. This includes providing information and comprehensive support to survivors in accessing health insurance, housing funds, emergency shelter, affordable housing, victim compensation, public benefits, and more.