Medical Advocacy Callback

We’re sorry that an in-person Medical Advocate was not able to meet you at the hospital today. Our Medical Advocacy program still wants to provide support surrounding your hospital visit by assisting with any following concerns:

  • Questions surrounding topics like KIT/evidence collection, access to medication, and payment for today’s visit.
  • Next steps and accessing BARCC resources: Legal Advocacy for information about reporting, safety planning, and addressing privacy concerns. Case Management for support around housing, financial concerns, and insurance. Trauma Informed Counseling including individual, group, and family counseling.
  • Receiving confidential emotional support regarding your recent hospital visit.

To have a medical advocate call you please fill out the information below and you will receive a call from the medical advocate within two business days.

A person holding another persons hand to show support

Request Medical Advocacy Call

"*" indicates required fields

Please enter your first name or whatever name you would like us to use when we call you back.
Please enter the first letter of your last name only.
Please select the Boston area hospital you went to.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please enter the date that you went to the hospital
Check any topics you would like to discuss with the medical adocate (optional)

Please fill out the information below about how we can best get into contact with you.

A BARCC medical advocate will call you within two business days. If we are unable to reach you we will try calling you a second time and will leave a voicemail if you indicate we can below.

If you have not spoken to the BARCC medical advocate within a week you can call 617-649-1269 and leave a message with times you’re available for the medical advocate to contact you.

Note about confidentiality:

To protect your privacy, we cannot contact you through e-mail to provide you with medical advocacy support. The BARCC phone number we will call you from is blocked, this means it will show as “blocked” or “restricted” or something similar on your caller ID. If you need or prefer you can request below that we unblock our number which will show the BARCC office number (617-492-8306) on your caller ID.

Caller ID to show when we call you (choose one)*
Best time to call you (check all timeframes that work for you)*
If you do not answer, is it ok for us to leave a voicemail?*
If someone else answers can we leave a message with them?*
Please list any accomodations or accessibility needs
Select language from menu or type in language

Thank you for sharing this information. A BARCC medical advocate will call you within 2 business days.

If you need more immediate support please call BARCC’s 24hr hotline at 800-841-8371