Winter Survivor Workshop Series: Nov.–Dec. 2023

November 29, 2023 3:00 pm

Text reading "Survivor Workshop Series" on a dark purple background with swirling light patterns, echoing the supportive services of a Boston rape crisis center.


  • Wednesday, November 29, 3–4:30 p.m. – Impact of Sexual Trauma
  • Wednesday, December 6, 3–4:30 p.m. – Self-Care for the Holiday Season
  • Wednesday, December 13, 3–4:30 p.m. – Trust Beyond Sexual Trauma
  • Wednesday, December 20, 3–4:30 p.m. – Boundaries & Healing from Sexual Trauma


At the BARCC offices at 99 Bishop Richard Allen Drive, Cambridge, MA

How Do I Attend?

Signing up is optional, you can simply show up. When you arrive, buzz our office and someone will be available to greet you!

What Should I Expect?

These workshops are very education-oriented. Expect to learn about processing your emotions, typical feelings for survivors, and coping skills. You will not be asked to share personal experiences.

What Should I Get Out of This Experience?

  • Learn about tools for healing from a clinical expert
  • Relate to common survivor feelings and experiences
  • Opportunities for further support

What Should I Bring?

Just yourself! Handouts and note-taking materials will be provided. If you like, please feel free to bring a non-alcoholic beverage to stay hydrated.

While the holiday season can bring lots of joy, it can also bring stress and anxiety. Adult survivors of all genders, ages 18 or older, are invited to join an in-person workshop series at BARCC’s offices this season. These workshops allow attendees to gather information from BARCC clinicians and learn more about future group counseling opportunities.

This is a great way to see how counseling can help you manage your emotions and stress without any long-term commitment. Sessions are anonymous and free. You are welcome to attend all of the sessions or just one!

There’s more information on when and where the workshops will be held below. If you have additional questions about the sessions and what to expect, please reach out to Danielle, the clinician running the workshop, at 617-649-1284.

We hope to see you there!

Event Location

At the BARCC offices at 99 Bishop Richard Allen Drive, Cambridge, MA

Our Sponsors


Don’t see your question? Send us an email at

What Do I Do Immediately After an Assault?2024-10-22T16:47:12+00:00

The first few days after a sexual assault can be a very confusing time. You may have questions and be faced with difficult decisions. During this time you may not want, or be ready, to make many of these decisions. This is normal and okay.

You can call our 24-7 hotline at 800-841-8371 any time or chat online 9:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m. to talk to a hotline counselor about your options.

To learn more about your choices after an assault, visit Immediate Actions.

How Do I Get In Contact with BARCC?2024-10-22T16:48:18+00:00

You can call our 24-7 hotline at 800-841-8371 any time or chat online 9:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m. to talk to a hotline counselor.

If you are interested in time-sensitive medical care and evidence collection options, we recommend that you call the hotline 24-7 at 800-841-8371 or chat online [Link to Chat Online] 9:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m.

If you would like to begin counseling, legal advocacy, immigration, or case management services at BARCC, please submit a request online on our Request Services Page or by phone at 617-492-8306, and our service access team will explore your individual needs with you.

To protect the privacy rights of survivors and their families, we do not communicate about cases via email. Please call us at 617-492-8306 during regular business hours to talk about how we can help you.

Legal process notices, summonses and court orders should be sent to:

Keeper of Records
99 Bishop Allen Drive
Cambridge, MA 02139

Office: 617-492-8306

What Happens When I Reach Out to the Hotline?2024-09-06T09:54:58+00:00

We support people in all stages of their experience. This could be immediately after an assault or years and even decades into the healing process. Here what will happen when you contact either the phone hotline or webchat.

  • A friendly, nonjudgmental person who believes you will answer the call. The person will tell you that if you share that you plan to end your life and are unable to engage in safety planning, they may call 911. You always have a choice to share or not to share.
  • The person will ask some questions to identify what will help you in this exact moment.
  • The person will share ideas and options about what to do next, but how to move forward is your choice.

BARCC will not share your information with anyone unless you provide consent. You do not have to share any information you don’t want to. You can call anonymously by choosing option 2 in the main menu or by using our web chat.

What Happens After I Submit a Request For Services?2024-10-22T16:49:54+00:00

A trained rape crisis counselor will respond to your request within three business days. If you want to talk to someone before that, please call the hotline 24-7 at 800-841-8371 or chat online 9:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m. If you have not heard from someone after several days, please call our office at 617-492-8306 to request services.

How Do I Get Training for My Business, Community Group, or School?2024-10-22T16:50:17+00:00

Request a Training, Workshop, or Speaker or e-mail You will hear from BARCC’s training intake coordinator within 24 business hours regarding your request. Submitting the form does not confirm your requested training; you must speak with the intake coordinator first to assess the needs of your organization and confirm logistics. We kindly ask that you make requests three weeks prior to the date of your event.

Are BARCC’s services confidential?2024-10-22T16:50:42+00:00

Yes. All written and verbal communication concerning a client is kept private and will not be shared with anyone outside BARCC unless the client says it’s OK in writing—except as required by law in three cases:

  • If we believe that a client is at high risk to hurt themselves or someone else
  • If we believe that a child under 18, an adult 60 and over, or a person 18–59 with a disability requiring assistance with activities of daily living, is being physically, emotionally, or sexually abused, or neglected
  • If ordered by a court; if you think you might be involved in a court case, please talk with a BARCC legal advocate about your privacy and confidentiality rights

We will tell you when we are required to make a report and what information we will share. We will not share more than what is required by law.

You may choose what information you want to provide to BARCC. You will not be denied services if you choose not to tell us certain identifying information, including immigration status. Learn more about our confidentiality policies.

Are BARCC’s services free?2024-09-06T09:55:40+00:00

Yes. BARCC’s services are free and confidential for survivors of sexual violence and their families, friends, and partners.

I don’t live in Boston. Can I still call BARCC?2024-10-22T16:52:04+00:00

Our service area is generally defined as within the Greater Boston area, covering 29 cities and towns. If you live in this area or were assaulted in this area, please don’t hesitate to reach out to BARCC through our 24/7 hotline 800-841-8371 or send us a chat from 9:00 a.m–11:00 p.m. daily. If you are beyond our service area, we can connect to your local rape crisis center and other resources that may help yo

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