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Statement: BARCC Responds to Harvey Weinstein Verdict

Today, a jury found Harvey Weinstein guilty of felony rape and criminal sexual act after he was tried by New York prosecutors on five counts of rape, criminal sex act, sex abuse, and sexual misconduct for incidents involving two separate women. He was acquitted on the remaining three counts. Gina Scaramella, executive director of the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center offered the following comment:

“Today’s verdict is a long overdue reckoning for Harvey Weinstein. It was only possible with the courage of survivors who testified in court. We owe them our gratitude for their persistence in sticking with this case. We are also grateful to the many other survivors of Weinstein’s assaults who publicly disclosed their experiences in other settings, such as the news media. 

“The only thing that is unusual about this case is today’s guilty verdict. The number of sexual assaults that proceed from an initial police report to conviction are small, and today is a rare instance of the criminal legal system delivering some measure of justice. More commonly, those who perpetuate sexual assault are never held accountable, and they are often protected and enabled by the people around them, as Weinstein was for so many years. 

“The burden on individuals to expose predators like Weinstein is almost unimaginable. Sexual assault and harassment happen all the time in all sorts of industries, and we rarely hear about them because survivors face so many obstacles to reporting. These include additional risks to safety through retaliation, potential loss of income, and public shame.

“The greatest lesson we can take from this case is more straightforward than you might imagine: We need to listen to survivors. We need to believe survivors. And we all need to work together to end sexual assault, abuse, and harassment. 

“To do this, we must create more pathways for reporting and holding perpetrators accountable in ways that do not place the full burden on survivors.”

If you are a survivor or loved one looking for support, we're here for you; you can reach our hotline at 800-841-8371 (24-7) or (9:00 a.m.–11:00 p.m.), or you can request an appointment online

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About Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC)

Founded in 1973, the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center has a mission to end sexual violence through healing and social change. BARCC provides free, confidential support and services to all survivors of sexual violence ages 12 and up and their families and friends throughout Greater Boston. It works with survivors regardless of when the assault occurred, and its goal is to empower survivors to heal and seek justice. BARCC also works with a wide range of organizations and communities, including schools, colleges, and police, to advocate for change. It provides training in how to respond to survivors and create cultures that prevent sexual violence in the first place. Follow BARCC on social media: Twitter @barcc; Instagram @barccofficial; Facebook /

Our mission is to end sexual violence. We empower survivors of sexual violence to heal and provide education and advocacy for social change to prevent sexual violence.