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Regarding the Violent Insurrection at the Capitol

Content note: violence and racism.

The violent insurrection at the United States Capitol yesterday was fueled by white supremacy and authoritarianism. These acts go against BARCC’s vision of a society free of all forms of oppression and violence.

In our work, we see every day that it is important to name acts of violence for what they are and resist attempts to minimize and excuse them. We also see the importance of accountability—for all of us—in being able to move on from acts of violence in a way that contributes to cultural change, growth, and healing. We call for accountability for yesterday’s actions.

We also invite you to care for yourselves, each other, and our communities as the country continues to respond to Wednesday’s attack. 

Additional information and resources

Our mission is to end sexual violence. We empower survivors of sexual violence to heal and provide education and advocacy for social change to prevent sexual violence.