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BARCC’s Statement on Roe v. Wade SCOTUS decision

Today’s decision striking down Roe v. Wade, is upsetting, frustrating, and painful.

Abortion care is essential for sexual assault survivors, people experiencing abusive or coercive relationships, and all people who seek to end a pregnancy. BARCC will continue to collaborate with survivors seeking options counseling, abortion care, or abortion funding.

As a community of and for survivors, BARCC recognizes that some perpetrators of sexual violence will use pregnancy to control, influence, or threaten survivors. Pregnancies could unwillingly tether survivors to their perpetrators for a lifetime, legally and practically. Every survivor has the fundamental right to weigh all their options and to make the decision that is best for them at that time.

At BARCC we stand up for survivors and fight for social change. This unfortunate decision does not alter our collective vision of working for a society free of all forms of oppression, where sexual violence does not exist and everyone is free to go about their daily lives knowing that their bodies, identities, minds, and spirits will always be valued and respected.

Our mission is to end sexual violence. We empower survivors of sexual violence to heal and provide education and advocacy for social change to prevent sexual violence.