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BARCC Statement on Senate Approval of the Healthy Youth Act

Today, the Massachusetts State Senate approved the Healthy Youth Act, which requires school districts offering sex education to use a curriculum that is medically accurate, age-appropriate, inclusive and affirmative of LGBQ/T youth, and focused on healthy relationships and how to talk about consent and boundaries. Boston Area Rape Crisis Center Executive Director Gina Scaramella issued the following statement in response: 

“We’re grateful to the state Senate for once again passing this bill, and we’re grateful to Sen. Sal DiDomenico for championing this issue. Sexual assault, harassment, and abuse affect many people of all genders, and one of the most effective ways to prevent it from ever happening in the first place is by giving young people the tools they need to talk about consent, boundaries, and how to build healthy relationships.

“It’s not uncommon for young people to mistake jealousy and possessive behavior as signs of love. Over 7% of all high school students report having been sexually assaulted, with 11.3% of young women and 3.5% of young men saying they have survived an act of sexual violence. LGBQ/T youth face higher risks of acquiring HIV and sexually transmitted infections as well as higher risks of intimate partner violence than their heterosexual and cisgender peers. 

“Research consistently shows that comprehensive sex education that includes instruction about consent, how to build healthy relationships, and that is LGBQ/T-inclusive reduces sexual violence, unintended pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases.

“Passage of this bill is a critical tool for preventing sexual harassment, assault, and abuse, and it gives young people access to information they need.” 

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About Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC)

Founded in 1973, the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center has a mission to end sexual violence through healing and social change. BARCC provides free, confidential support and services to all survivors of sexual violence ages 12 and up and their families and friends throughout Greater Boston. It works with survivors regardless of when the assault occurred, and its goal is to empower survivors to heal and seek justice. BARCC also works with a wide range of organizations and communities, including schools, colleges, and police, to advocate for change. It provides training in how to respond to survivors and create cultures that prevent sexual violence in the first place. Follow BARCC on social media: Twitter @barcc; Instagram @barccofficial; Facebook /

Our mission is to end sexual violence. We empower survivors of sexual violence to heal and provide education and advocacy for social change to prevent sexual violence.